Been a week since the last update, and it's been another fairly busy week.
As I said last time I spent a lot of time focusing on the mapping side of things.
I wont go into this one much but there's been a lot of work done map-wise and going into why there's suddenly a Victorian themed tile-set would probably be a bit of a spoiler.
Anyway these all exist now and it's probably worth mentioning that nothing is final, especially the tableware because the resolution of the textures is irking me a little, but it's otherwise fine.
I've made some tiny adjustments to a few character models, but honestly that's not worth sharing.
Oh right, a friend is on the way, but she's far from ready.
Here's a blurry sneak beak (sorry)
All that's left before things really kick off is a few new rigged models and I can get a little something together.
Also I'm going to start doing these things weekly.